3 Important Vitamins You Should Be Taking Daily For Beauty
For beauty purposes, you want to be taking Vitamin A, Vitamin C, and Vitamin E. Read below to learn a little more.
Vitamin A
Both your upper and lower layers of skin need Vitamin A. There is a process in your skin that breaks down collagen, and this specific vitamin actually interrupts this process. Vitamin A also helps the oil glands around your hair follicles work, and it can prevent your skin from getting dry, itchy, or bumpy.
Vitamin C
This vitamin is super important when it comes to collagen, because the vitamin helps the twisted web of protein hold its shape. It is also a powerful antioxidant which helps protect you from free radicals and lowers your chance of getting skin cancer.
Vitamin E
Vitamin E works really well with Vitamin C to strengthen the walls of your skin cells. This antioxidant and anti-inflammatory can also absorb the energy from UV light, which damages skin and leads to wrinkles, sagging, and skin cancer.