Toxic Beauty: The Cold Hard Truth
The government does not regulate cosmetics the same way it does with food and drugs, although it all goes into our bodies alike. Some of the least regulated consumer products on the market are the ones were lathering, scrubbing, rubbing, and spraying all over our skin. Each day the average woman puts over 515 different synthetic chemicals on her body because practically nothing is regulated in beauty.
Did you know, many of the big beauty companies have to actually make different safer versions of their products if they want to sell anything overseas. America is unfortunately one of the last countries to join in on cosmetic regulation.
Please note that cancer is only about 10% genetic, the other 90% is related to lifestyle, and know that breast cancer has risen dramatically as untested chemicals have been steadily introduced into our environment. All of the synthetic gunk is added to ultimately increase profit margins, its completely shameful.
Our body burden is the total amount of toxins our body can take before becoming seriously ill. The body burden is impacted a lot by the cosmetics we use daily, along with everything else we eat, drink, breath, touch and expose ourselves to. Everything you apply to your skin gets absorbed into your blood stream on some level.
What you should do immediately is check your products’ ratings on EWG’s Skin Deep Cosmetic Safety Database. It gives you the safety ratings for each product. Seriously chuck the bad stuff and begin replacing it with clean and safe product. When swapping out products, first focus on the stuff that covers the largest surface areas of your skin and stays on the longest. This means things like body wash and moisturizer.
Detoxing your skin from harmful chemical products may come with a brief period of breakouts, super-dry or super-oily unbalanced skin, or greasy hair. This goes to show how dependent our bodies were on the toxic ingredients. Don’t worry at all, your body will quickly recalibrate and begin to function how nature intended it to again. To ease symptoms, slowly wean yourself off harmful products by alternating days with a healthier product and slowly decreasing use in general.
You have stumbled upon an all-in-one destination for the clean beauty recommendations, advice, and information you need. Anything we showcase can be blindly trusted as the absolute best and cleanest option.
Good luck on your clean beauty journey, we are right here with you!