How To Transform Your Skin In 4 Weeks
Did you know that your skin is on a 28-day cycle? It takes about 28 days, or one month, for skin cells to mature, move up, then slough off the surface naturally. You will be able to see results in this amount of time.
Follow this four-week plan to achieve gorgeous, clear, and amazing skin.
Week One
Use this first week to reset your skin. This is the time to get rid of all extra products you do not need and master your skincare basics. Make sure you focus on thoroughly washing your face each morning and evening. When you wash your face do it quickly, gently, and thoroughly. Wet your face with lukewarm water and use your fingertips to apply cleanser in a circular motion. Once you have built up a nice lather, rinse and carefully pat dry with a soft, clean towel. Besides proper cleansing, this week you will also want to focus on hydration. Look for products that contain ingredients which increase your skin’s water content and also bolster its ability to hold on to moisture. Glycerin and hyaluronic acid are powerful ingredients which attract water, and niacinamide, a form of vitamin B, gives skin ability to retain water and remain plump and dewy.
Week Two
Now that you have the basics down, start incorporating some new products and ingredients that will really ignite change. Start by introducing an eyecare treatment to your skincare routine. The skin around your eyes is almost always dry and does not have much collagen and elastin, which makes wrinkles pop up around your eyes first. Look for eye creams that contain glycerin, which quickly smooths and plumps lines along with hydrating, niacinamide, which strengthens the thin skin, and vitamin C and E, which both protect it.
Week Three
Now is the time to treat specific skin concerns, whether they be clogged pores to dullness and more. Look for face masks that will work with your skin needs the best. Masks made with formulas meant to clean out pores contain kaolin clay and charcoal. You should use products that naturally break down clogs and clean our pores to make them look as tiny as possible. You will also want to layer on products for more beauty benefits. This can mean natural botanicals such as bergamot, chamomile, lavender, or aloe leaf extract.
Week Four
You will want to focus on other factors that affect your skin. This means eating healthy, being happy, and working out. You will also want to remain committed to the products you have been using. In these four weeks your skin should have reset itself and should be glowing by now!